Before writing this article I thought I'd Google exactly this health and fitness question.
The answer was depressing.
Here is some of the first information I found:-
As I was over 50 I needed "routine screenings", especially important for over 50s to "catch a health risk before it becomes a problem".
Here is another idea that's much better :-
Plan to be fit over 50 and investigate how to bring more movement and exercise you enjoy into your life. At fifty we may only be just more than half way through our life, so we need to take action and not just hope we have good genes and will not get some or all of the chronic diseases that are waiting to pounce!
We need Aerobic Exercise to be Fit Over 50
The next part of the information was about aerobic exercise, which as a personal trainer is probably my number one!
So what did the online search say about fitness?
We need to 2.5 hours per week or an average of 22 minutes each day of aerobic exercise that means we're working at a level that makes us slightly breathless. But, this was the exciting bit, be aware of excessive aerobic activity as we have to "worry about our cortisol levels".
While I agree we have to ensure we stay fit and healthy as we age- BUT - we are only 50!
I'm Not Ready For Chair Exercises For Older Seniors

For those of us between 50 and 64 years of age there seems to be two options, either noisy, dark and dim fitness gyms or blood tests and pills from the doctor.
One client, a 60 something-year-old lady was so pleased to find 50 Plus Fitness as all she could find were chair exercises online and daytime groups for the over 65's.
Exercise Groups for Women in Christchurch
A really fun way to get fit and also improve your health by socializing, is to sign up to an exercise group that is designed specifically for you. This can be difficult if you're a woman who is over 50 as most of the gyms just do not suit us. They are dark, they are noisy, they often have a lot of mirrors and a load of younger sylphlike women who just make us think about what we used to be and unfortunately what we know longer can be.
However, if we can join a group of like-minded women, yes all over fifty too, we can not only get fit, but we can also make friends with other women who really want to protect their health and wellness as they age.
If your friends don’t have fitness and health as a priority you need to find this over 50 group.
Another 30 to 40 years of healthy life and healthy living is what all women over 50 want and need. Unfortunately, we can be very busy looking after everyone else and not ourselves. Time to take an hour or two a week for yourself and your self-care.
Find out more about womens' exercise class in Christchurch
Why I'm A Personal Trainer in Christchurch
One of the reasons I became a personal trainer was to help me stay fit.
My doctor prescribed cholesterol and blood pressure medications - although, he did comment a workout was akin to taking a pill. You guessed right, I chose the workout for my blood pressure and for the cholesterol I changed my diet.

Also being Maori descent and also having bad family history, my fitness regime is also now, getting my fellow 50 Plus clients moving.
Are We Taking Too Much Medication?
We need to be aware of what is happening inside our bodies but Buchbinder & Harris (2021) says we are now over diagnosed and overmedicated due to excessive screening and testing, discovering body changes because we are over 50. But, are these body changes natural ageing and are they serious enough for medication and more tests and examinations?
Over 50? - Exchange Pills for Physical Activity at my Private Gym
Perhaps many of the changes as we get older may seem negative, but I believe can be helped with diet and lifestyle. Particularly in the first instance. Let's try moving more and eat for health, in moderation of course - as I am partial to raspberry jam on my rice crackers!
How Much Exercise Do We Need To Keep Us Fit?
As for prescribing 22 minutes of aerobic exercise daily. I think that prescription should be more, more, movement. We need to move more if we want to get fit at 50 years of age.

Add this movement prescription:
- less sitting down,
- more active pastimes,
- stand-up desk at work,
- a walk at lunchtime,
- ride your bike,
- or walk to work etc.
Early Morning Individual Personal Training in Christchurch - from 7am
I'm Feeling Fabulous and Medication Free

Fitness Coach in Christchurch and Online New Zealand & Australia
I would like to be your fitness coach, advise you not only on exercise, movement but how to live a healthy life that I've adopted over many years.
As a NZQA personal trainer I have a private gym for over 50's in Christchurch, Riccarton. So the gym is close to the city and Hagley Park where I can show you how to get fit over 50. Don't worry, even if you have never been to a personal trainer before I can support your goals whether it's be able to play with your grandchildren or get back into hiking the hills.
Get in touch with me to plan, nag and support you to be fabulously fit over 50.
See You Soon!
Reference :
Rachelle Buchbinder and Ian Harris 2021 - Hippocrasy -"How doctors are betraying their oath"
Charlie Wong – Exercise Coach / Personal Trainer – Christchurch
Need simple effective ways to improve your Fitness and Well Being without the stress of joining a commercial Gym. This is where I can help! Ideas can be found in the articles on my website.
Why I became a Personal Trainer
I feel there was a missed opportunity within the fitness industry. Although the industry often advertise that they cater for all ages I have found that most trainers don’t understand the over 50’s age group very well.
As a mature aged trainer (check me out) I bring life experience also I know and understand the difficulties and limitations people have. I know there are movements I could do when I was young that I struggle to do now, if you practice them, it will come back eventually, that’s where I come in.
Need more information about how I can help contact me